PC Reading

July 2012 – December 2012 (not in order)

Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Little House on the Prairie
Farmer Boy
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
The Long Winter

Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years
The First Four Years

Rowling, J.K.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Goldberg, Myla
Bee Season

Eugenides, Jeffrey
The Virgin Suicides
The Marriage Plot

Gladwell, Malcom
The Tipping Point
What the Dog Saw

Ma Yan
The Diary of Ma Yan

The Good Women of China

Solnit, Rebecca
A History of Walking
I expected a socio-cultural history and instead got a literary one. Tough to finish.

Hessler, Peter
River Town

Sedaris, David
When you are Engulfed in Flames
Me Talk Pretty One Day

Picoult, Jodi
The Pact
Salem Falls
Sing You Home
My Sister’s Keeper
Harvesting the Heart
Keeping Faith

Roose, Kevin
The Unlikely Disciple

Levitt, Stephen & Dubner

Fey, Tina

T.C. Boyle
The Road to Wellville

Junot Diaz
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao 

First six months of PC: 42 books

2013 (in order)

F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
I tried to read this along with a student. She quit and is waiting for the movie to come out or for me to tell her how it ends. All I could think about was Fun Home.

Betty Smith
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
I am on a path to read the books I feel I should have read growing up. I regret not having read this sooner; this is a book I would have gleefully consumed as a child and then read again every year. It’s never too late to start.

Karen Russell

John Kennedy O’Toole
A Confederacy of Dunces
I had read half of this a year ago and put it down, unfinished. I left it feeling confused about who to love.

Edith Wharton
The Age of Innocence

David Sedaris
Me Talk Pretty One Day

David Sedaris
Dress Your Family in Denim and Corduroy
I re-read Sedaris as a habit.

Jonah Lehrer
Imagine: How Creativity Works

Jeannette Wells
The Glass Castle

Jonah Lehrer
How We Decide
I may have read this book before, because it felt like it.

Erik Larson
The Devil in the White City

Yann Martel
The Life of Pi
This was great because I literally had no idea what it was about going in. Staying in a bubble sometimes has it’s benefits.

Gene Luen Yang
American Born Chinese
This was great. And comics totally count.

Gillian Flynn
Gone Girl

Kim Edwards
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter

Louis Sachar
Reading books from our resource library so I can make better recommendations to students. Also, because YA Lit can be pretty rad.

Louise Erdich
The Round House

Levitt and Dubner

S.E. Hinton
The Outsiders

Gillian Flynn
Sharp Objects

Mark Kurlansky

Gillian Flynn
Dark Places

End of March Goal:: 22/25 books

George Saunders
Tenth of December

Cheryl Strayed

Mark Haddon
The Red House

Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird
I had never read this before. Why?!

Jennifer Egan
A Visit from the Goon Squad

Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire

Suzanne Collins
Not going to lie, I thought all of these were pretty awesome. Consumed over one weekend-long reading binge.

Karen Russell
Vampires in the Lemon Grove
How all vampire stories should be written.

Meg Wolitzer
The Interestings
You should read this. Add some exclamation marks.

Elizabeth Strout
The Burgess Boys

End of April Goal: 33/33 books

Jonathan Dee
The Privileges 

End of May Goal: 42 books

End of June: 50 books

End of July Goal: 58 books

End of August Goal: 67 books

End of September: 75 books

End of October Goal: 84 books

End of November Goal: 92 books

End of December Goal: 100 books

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