Thunderstorm Interlude

It’s after 3am in Pennsylvania, and my flight for staging in LA leaves in less than three hours. I should get some rest, but I am completely entranced by the thunderstorm happening right now. 

I know I’ll get plenty of these in Chendgu (this week’s forecast: thunderstorms every day!), but it is still weather I define as quintessentially like home.

Sure, I watched a doe leap my dad’s fence, rabbits weaving through the fields, bats swooping through the air, lightning bugs sparkling in the trees, and in one night saw more stars dappling the sky than I’ll probably see in the next two years. All of that is just fine, but thunderstorms! I have missed you the most and I am so glad I can have a little of you in my childhood home before I go on to my new home.

Just another little way of carrying along the priceless things. 

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1 Response to Thunderstorm Interlude

  1. Adrianne DiMarco says:

    Must have been a moment of connection, because I woke up about 2:45 to a HUGE thunderclap and then sat and watched the storm for a while before going back to bed. Hoping your trip is as smooth as it can possibly be!!

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